
Carroll University, home of the Pioneers and Wisconsin’s first, four-year institution of higher learning is a private, independent and non-profit university. It is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The institution is led by President Cindy Gnadinger, a 25-member Board of Trustees and a senior leadership team.

From the President:

“Welcome to Carroll University. Since 1846, students have selected Carroll as their preferred choice in preparation for lives of purpose, meaning and achievement.”

Read the full message

Board of Trustees

The corporate name of the university is Carroll University, Inc., and the institution is governed by a 25-member Corporate Board of Trustees. Board members include a number of alumni and individuals in corporate and non-profit leadership positions both locally and across the country. 

Senior Leadership Team

Dr. Cindy Gnadinger

Dr. Cindy Gnadinger

headshot of Mohammed Bey.

Mohammed Bey

Vice President for Campus and Community and Services
Dr. Mark Blegen, Carroll University

Dr. Mark Blegen

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professional man with a friendly smile wearing glasses, a dark suit, and a red tie.

Nate Dehne

Vice President for Student Life
Victoria Dowling

Victoria Dowling

Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Gina Ehler, Carroll University

Gina Ehler

Executive Assistant to the President
Cat Jorgens, Carroll University

Catherine Jorgens

University Counsel and Risk Manager
Andy Hoban Headshot

Andy Hoban

Interim Vice President for Finance
headshot of Dawn Scott.

Dawn Scott

Vice President for Enrollment

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